Thursday, March 15, 2018

Arrival in T minus 1........or is it 2?

Welcome to everybody who would like to follow our Aussie Adventure! Four years ago we spent 2 months in Europe and not only did I hear that people enjoyed reading about our travels (thanks, Kids!), but that they actually wanted to read about our 2 months coming up in Australia! Plus, it documented that trip for us. As I was beginning this post I went back and reread part of the European Adventure.

Puzzled by the title of this post? I just cannot wrap my mind around the whole International Date Line thing! I'm sorry, I've tried. Sigh...... I am writing this at the airport on Thursday late afternoon. We will soon board the airplane and a mere 20 and a half hours later, we will land in Sydney. Sounds simple, right? That will be sometime tomorrow. Again, right? will land in Sydney at 6:30 AM Saturday morning! Basically we lose a whole day due to this mysterious line that you can see on a map, but what happens? The airplane flies over it and - boom - day, vanished. So arrival in Australia in 1 day or 2. Take your pick!

Take a lookie here! This is what we are taking for 2 months! A 27", a 25", the soft Vera Bradley and 2 backpacks! I feel pretty proud of myself! Oh, and all weighed less than the allotted allowance, even if only by a fraction of a pound. This is it, folks! Take that! Of course, I may get over there and realize I have nothing to wear or the right shoes or whatever. Too late now! 

Our friends, Russ and Dora, who coincidentally will be joining us for part of this journey, came to take us to the airport. A little toast with a 12 year old Macallan to start our trip off right!

I could lay out for you where all we are going, but I'll let that unfold as the days pass. For now, sit back and let me take you along on Our Aussie Adventure!


  1. I am so excited for you guys. Thank you for keeping us updated on your adventures. Way to Live Wild!!

  2. We are equally thrilled for this great adventure. Be safe and have a wonderful time or 2. LOL

  3. Have fun. Will be keeping up with your adventures.

  4. Looking forward to reading about your adventures!

  5. OK, give me a hint! I can't find where to sign up to follow your blog. I can't believe you will be there 2 mos. How exciting~~~~

    1. Gosh, I can't seem to find it either now. I thought there was that option.

  6. What a cool idea! I think Australia would be a perfect place to visit ----


And That's A Wrap!

We captured this gorgeous sunset as we left Maui, our last port of call, and essentially the last stop before getting off the ship in ...