Saturday, April 7, 2018

Don't Call Them a Bear!

We rolled into Brisbane today to go to the Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary. Met this soft little guy:

Koala's are marsupials, NOT bears! This is where we were told that if we said "koala bear", we would sound like a Yank! Heaven knows, we don't want to sound like a Yank! Oh, yea...........we are one.......

This was kind of like a mini zoo. Enjoy our trek through the Australian animals! (we tried to bypass anything that we could actually see at home)

Above: platypus

Above: wombat

Above: see the joey sticking out of her pouch?

Above: now, I've seen some dogs sleep like this, but a kangaroo?

Above: wallaby

Maybe you're wondering why there aren't more pictures of koalas seeings how it's a koala sanctuary. Ya know, all they do is hide in trees and sleep 18-20 hours a day. What a life!

And so we end our pleasant visit to the sanctuary.

It's time to meet up with our friends, Russ and Dora! We'll be with them for the next week. 



  1. That pic of you and Bruce with the koala looks like you just found your new favorite child :)
    And Bruce, nice hat!!

  2. That koala was soooooo soft!


And That's A Wrap!

We captured this gorgeous sunset as we left Maui, our last port of call, and essentially the last stop before getting off the ship in ...